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Techniques - Thermography

Thermography is a technique that makes it possible for human vision to see through an infrared spectrum. Thermal images obtained through thermography are called thermograms, through which a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the image can be obtained, that in turn allow calculating the temperature at any point of such image.

The fundamental objective of this technique is to provide support to the system components inspection, allowing an anticipation of failures and allowing the identification and prioritizing maintenance activities in such components.

The following can be attained through this technique:

decrease in maintenance expenses,

increase in mean time between failures (MTBF),

avoidance of non-scheduled downtime,

maximum equipment reliability,

longer equipment useful life.

At present, thermography has been established as a highly valuable and reliable technique in steel, cement, petrochemical, automotive, cellulose and paper, plastic, aluminum, textile and chemical industries, among others. Contactless measurement is the key concept that has turned this technique into the most important predictive tool in the last years with multiple applications in all types of industries.

Among thermography applications there are:

     electric systems: wires, panels, any type of power circuit;

     equipment control;


    for product flow inspection, temperature is used as the indicator of an abnormal condition. Safety valves leaks, carbon deposits and vapor traps can be checked through thermography measurements;

    in refractory material and thermal insulation in furnaces, boilers, reactors, chimneys, gas ducts, tanks and isolated ducts;

     in steel industries, blast furnaces, regenerators, ladles, among others.

     in buildings

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